Thursday, September 30, 2010

What New Hampshire is Thinking and Doing

Last month, the staff and partners of the DHR condensed the information gathered at our five brainstorming sessions across the state into a short online questionnaire, with the goal of wide distribution and response.  It was distributed to the 2300+ people on the DHR’s contact list, with a request to forward the questionnaire on to others.  The response was phenomenal; by the August 27th deadline, 589 had responded. 

A summary of the results is available here.  Answers to the first 11 questions appear as charts.  The final question asked what respondents would be working on over the next five years to preserve and promote historical and archeological resources.  The answers are inspiring and comprehensive, and they appear in their entirety.

Did you miss your chance to respond?  If so, feel free to add a comment.  Surprised by the results?  We’d like to hear about that as well.