The purpose of this blog is to facilitate an ongoing dialogue about the New Hampshire Preservation Plan. We encourage your comments; the ideas and input of the entire New Hampshire preservation community and related organizations is absolutely essential to creating a state-wide preservation plan that serves all of NH’s historical resources. The NH Division of Historical Resources (DHR) reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.
This is an unmoderated blog. That means comments will not be reviewed before posting in order to facilitate a more natural conversational flow. If this policy is abused, moderation will be turned on, meaning the DHR will have to devote staff time to reviewing each comment before allowing it to post to the blog; this will cause a delay in comments.
We expect that participants will treat each other, as well as our agency and our employees, with respect. Comments that contain vulgar or abusive language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms will be removed. We will remove comments that are spam, are clearly "off topic" or that promote services or products. Comments that make unsupported accusations will also be removed.
For the benefit of robust discussion, we ask that comments remain "on-topic." This means that comments unrelated to the topic that is being discussed within the blog post may be removed. The views expressed on the site by non-state commentators do not necessarily reflect the official views of the NH DHR or the State of New Hampshire .
This blog is not intended to provide information about specific projects or answers to questions about specific resources. Inquiries or requests for technical assistance should be directed to the NH DHR via e-mail at Members of the media are asked to send questions to Shelly Angers at or 603.271.3136 and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments.
DHR reserves the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments; DHR also has the right to block commenters.
All comments within this blog are the responsibility of the commenter, not the DHR. By submitting a comment on our blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold the DHR and State of New Hampshire, and all representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability. Links are allowed in comments, but off-topic or spam links may be removed, and DHR will not verify link content.